Brenner Base Tunnel
2021 - Construction
Meraflex microfibres, integral part of sprayed concrete within the Brenner Base Tunnel
Beaulieu Fibres International has been awarded the supply of MERAFLEX microfibres for Sprayed Concrete (called shotcrete) for the Brenner Base Tunnel Project (BBT).
The use of PP microfibres has an anti-spalling effect by melting and increasing void space for vapour expansion, when the concrete is exposed to elevated temperatures in the event of a fire.
The Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT) is the central part of the over 9,000 km long “Scandinavian-Mediterranean” corridor, part of the TEN-T “Trans European Network” infrastructure network and of the new future railway line Munich-Verona. The tunnel will reach a total length of 64 km, becoming the longest railway tunnel over the world.
The section awarded to Beaulieu Fibres International, 22 km long, is the main part of the Italian lot between state border Italia-Austria (Northern limit) and the other lot (Southern limit) called “Isarco River Underpass”.
Read more about fibres for construction
Project Factsheet
- Longest railway tunnel of the world
- Length of 64 km
- Product: MERAFLEX microfibers
- Key specification: anti-spalling effect

Brenner Base Tunnel ISARCO. (© 2021 - Galleria di Base del Brennero - Brenner Basistunnel BBT SE)

Brenner Base Tunnel ISARCO (© 2021 - Galleria di Base del Brennero - Brenner Basistunnel BBT SE)

Brenner Base Tunnel ISARCO (© 2021 - Galleria di Base del Brennero - Brenner Basistunnel BBT SE)